Weekly Digest, Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Author: Kurt Cagle

From The Editor’s Desk

This version of the DSC Weekly Digest is running a bit late, in part because the editor (me), as a data junkie, has been a bit preoccupied watching the always engaging and occasionally horrifying sport known as the US Election. This is when all of us become data scientists – running the numbers, building models to see what happens if candidate A wins this state or fails to win that one, causing cascading Bayesian effects percolating through the ECNN – the Electoral College Neural Network.

Don’t go googling that term. It exists as a strange, quixotic model that only makes sense to Americans, and even then only occasionally. No matter how the races go, there is no doubt that a treasure trove of data about governing, data integrity, and the importance of analytics is about to be unleashed.

Enjoy the reading, be safe, and keep on modeling.

Kurt Cagle, Community Editor, Data Science Central

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