Author: Vincent Granville
Monday newsletter published by Data Science Central. Previous editions can be found here. The contribution flagged with a + is our selection for the picture of the week. To subscribe, follow this link.
- Develop e-Commerce Prototypes using ML – Upcoming Webinar
- Oreilly AI conference, San Jose, Sep 9-12
Featured Resources and Technical Contributions
- A Strange Family of Statistical Distributions +
- Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics in One Picture
- Three-way data splits for model selection and performance estimation
- Julia vs R: Freeing the data scientist from the curse of vectoRization
- Neural Machine Translation With Attention Mechanism
- Question: Best practice during Data preparation
- Question: Resources from ETL
- Question: Analytics Platform
- Question: Integrating External Data
Featured Articles
- Untapped Economic Assets? How to Monetize Your Dark Data
- Tech Talk: Is Keras the Perfect Deep Learning Library in Python?
- What is AI: explaining it from different dimensions
- The problem with Cambridge Analytica is not (just) the privacy breach
- Different Ways to Incorporate Data in Business Strategy for Security
- Successful Data Science Projects: A Sales Person’s Perspective
- 7 Facts That Nobody Told You About Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud Digital Asset Management and its Benefits
- Remarkable Applications of Data Science
Picture of the Week
Source: article flagged with a +
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