Personal updates and DSC

Author: Vincent Granville

After more than 10 years being involved with Data Science Central, initially as the founder, and most recently being acquired by TechTarget, I have decided to pursue new interests. TechTarget now has a great team taking care of DSC, and I will still be involved as a consultant to make sure that everything continues to run smoothly and that the quality standards are maintained and even enhanced. In my new role, I will become a contributor and write articles for DSC, so I will still be visible, even more than before as I find more time to write more articles.

I am happy to announce that TechTarget has just brought on Kurt Cagle as the new Community Manager for DSC. Kurt is a former DSC blogger and also living in WA two miles away from my place where DSC was created (so it will be easy to meet in person to explain all the tricks) and will take over many of my responsibilities, including interactions with the community. As for me, I will be spending more needed time in my new restaurant opening next month, Paris Restaurant in Anacortes, WA.

My new upcoming articles will be original, with the same style aimed at explaining sometimes advanced and new, original ML concepts and recipes in layman terms to a large range of analytics professionals: data scientists, executives, decision makers, and consumers of analytic products.

I wish all the best to Kurt and TechTarget. I am very happy to have worked with the stellar TechTarget team after the acquisition, as well as to continue to work with former DSC colleagues who were hired by TechTarget and are still there and happy today. This relationship will continue to grow in the foreseeable future, with TechTarget’s strong commitment to the DSC community.



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