Charles Durfee started the topic Multiple linear regression with Python, numpy, matplotlib, plot in 3d in the forum Linear Regression 6 years, 2 months ago
Background info / Notes:
Multiple regression: Y = b0 + b1*X1 + b2*X2 + … +bnXn
compare to Simple regression: Y = b0 + b1*XIn English:
Y is the predicted value of the dependent variable
X1 through Xn are n distinct independent variables
b0 is the value of Y when all of the independent variables (X1 through Xn) are equal to…[Read more] -
Charles Durfee started the topic Simple linear regression with Python, Numpy, Matplotlib in the forum Linear Regression 6 years, 2 months ago
Background info / Notes:
Find a line that models the relationship between a dependent variable and an independent variable.Equation:
y = α + b*xIn English: y is the dependent variable: what we are trying to predict, α is a constant: y at x = 0, b is a coefficient: slope of the line, x is the independent variable: what we think predicts y…[Read more]
Charles Durfee started the topic Simple linear regression with Gretl (no programming required) in the forum Linear Regression 6 years, 2 months ago
Gretl is a free open source statistical analysis tool, similar to SAS. You can download it here.
You can download the dataset here.
Step 1 Open file:
File> Open Data> User File> Select Salary_Data.csv (you may need to change the drop down to “Select all…[Read more] -
Charles Durfee started the topic Math Resources Sticky- Check here first in the forum Math Resources 6 years, 9 months ago
Calculus 1:
BlackPenRedPen Cal1 videosKrista King Calc1: Very short and concise videos
Calculus 2:
BlackPenRedPen Calc2 videosKrista King Calc2: Very short and concise videos
Calculus 3:
Krista King Calc3 videosLinear Algebra:
James Sousa has some great Linear Algebra videos hereStatistics:
OpenIntroOrg has some great…[
Charles Durfee started the topic Site update in the forum Main forum 6 years, 9 months ago
I have updated the main page to collect Machine Learning and Data Science news from around the web. Let me know if you would like another category or would like to add a RSS feed from a specific source.
Also, I have added SSL security certificates to the site, so make sure you use the https://aiproblog.com url format if you don’t already.
Charles Durfee started the topic Rules: Fun, Friendship, learning & respect in the forum Main forum 7 years, 2 months ago
Please keep posts clean and professional (no profanity, racism, sexism, etc.)
Have fun and remember to be respectful of one another. We are here to learn and build friendships. There are no dumb questions so don’t be shy.